
Sunday, August 11, 2019

How to Download and
Play Rust Experimental FREE!

Having the time of my life...
I had often been a fan of survival games, Mist, Ark, Fortnite - Save The World, which by the way is the most expensive game I've ever purchased. Anyway I watch YouTube like I watch television and along came a Welyn video about a game called Rust, I was hooked... I watched hours and hours of videos on RUST building, PVP, how to play the game. From then on I was transformed, other games would no longer suit me. My thirst could not be quenched.

I now play for hours on end never growing tired, with three goals in mind... SURVIVE, DEFEAT MY ENEMIES, BE THE RICHEST PLAYER EVERY WIPE! I first went to steam found it :(  $35.99. I can't afford that seriously. But I so wanted to play, wanting to wake up on the beach naked and afraid... Nothing but my rock and torch. With visions of C4 and rocket raids like Rust Academy, and PVP like Hjune. I remained vigilant kept searching... Found it...OMFG FREE RUST! And here is how I got it:

1. Goto:

2. Download the latest version of FREE "cracked" RUST!
Note: I use this site because knights table and Prism clients are injected with potentially malicious code that may affect your ability to see all available servers in the modded list. Rusticaland Launcher is virus free, easy to install and easy to update, and will allow you to see all available servers via the modded list.

3. Install using rusticalandlauncher.exe to a directory of your choosing

4. Load and run rust.

Note: Select play game. In the game menu select Modded and you will see all of the Available servers.

5. Select your server.
When choosing servers to play on if you're new its best to select servers that have an active community and can help you get started, active admins keeping cheaters away, daily giveaways, and help to learn the game... like the ones I'll mention below:

I found these servers to be my best play experience and i remain a daily player with 600+ hours on this very server (10x). Loot++, Scrap++, True gather rates, Skins, Teleports, Kits, Economy, Zlevels, Events, Quests, Wipeday Giveaways and more! There's so much going on in these servers you'll forget you're playing RUST!

StaticX Rust Servers:
These servers always show at the top of the modded server lists if you dont see them you can join but opening console F1 or F3 and typing client connect SERVER ADDRESS:Port

StaticX 10x - Cracked - client.connect

StaticX 10x - Real Rust - client.connect

StaticX 5x - Cracked - client.connect